Friday, January 16, 2015

Links we recommend 1/16/15

Here are some things from around the internet that we found interesting and insightful. 

"The Supreme Court may or may not do their job. We must make sure, no matter what, that we do ours."

Just today the U.S. Supreme Court announced it will be hearing cases on the constitutional right of same-sex marriage. This is an important development, and in this piece Russell Moore offers some helpful perspective for how we as Christians should respond, whatever the outcome of the ruling. 

Lecrae, John Piper, and John Ensor

In this moving video, Christian rapper Lecrae sits down with John Piper and John Ensor, the president of the pro-life group, Passion Life Ministries. The focus is on the topic of abortion, but they touch on several other things too.

The Things of Earth Will Grow Strangely Bright
Piper writes a few brief thoughts, endorsing a new book by Joe Rigney, on how to enjoy the good things God has created... like bacon. The short video is really good too.

Here is a two-part interview with Randy Alcorn on the topics of his recent book, Hand in Hand: The Beauty of God's Sovereignty and Meaningful Human Choice.

Part 1: Randy Alcorn on Calvinists, Arminians, and Everything in Between

Part 2: Embracing the Holy Tension between God's Sovereignty and Human Choice

A Deeper Well of Joy
This is a review and commendation of a new book about joy by Margaret Feinberg.

A New Convert’s Guide To Understanding Christian Code Words
This one is just for fun. Many of us have probably used this kind of jargon, or "Christianese". I know I have.

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