Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Force of Habit

Written by: Dave Martin

We truly are creatures of habit. Scientists who study human behavior have concluded that

“A habit cannot be extinguished – it can only be replaced.”

A second key observation is this: 

All habits consist of a habit loop – cue, routine, and reward.

What does this have to do with Bible reading? 
Everything! Armed with these insights on habits and a desire to regularly read the Bible, we can build a simple (not necessarily easy!) strategy to establish a Bible reading habit that will become a way of life.

First, you need a strong “why.” 
Why is Bible reading important to you? List all the benefits you believe you will get from it. What will your life look like a year from now, or five years from now, as a result? List all the consequences of not reading regularly. What will your life look like a year from now, or five years from now, if you don’t establish the habit?

Enlist support. 
Arrange for accountability with at least two other people. Going it alone is a recipe for failure. You could have a check-in meeting weekly with your partners, or do it with a couple of fellow small-group members at your regular meeting. But it can’t be a casual, optional thing.

Have contingency plans. 
You will slip up and miss a day occasionally. Don’t let yourself off the hook. Make up the lost ground quickly and get back on pace; otherwise, you are defeating the purpose of a habit. This is not legalism unless you allow it to be. You are training yourself for the purpose of godliness (1 Timothy 4:7). Be open with your accountability partners – that’s what they’re there for!

Realize that there’s a lot at stake, not only in your life, but in the lives of those you can potentially influence. Spiritual warfare is a reality, and Christians with their noses in the Bible are a threat to Satan’s kingdom. But God promises to grant anything we ask according to His will, and so we can pray for His help in this discipline with full assurance that He will strengthen us and teach us.

Now you’re ready to replace a habit. Let’s take a common one: Facebook. First, identify the cue and the reward. What’s your cue for getting on Facebook? Do you do it after dinner? When the kids go down for a nap? 

What’s the reward? Every habit has a reward, though we’re not always conscious of it. What do you get out of Facebook? Is it the “likes”? Is it simply the good feeling of knowing what’s going on currently with your friends?

Once you've identified the cue and the reward, it’s time to unplug 15 minutes of Facebook from your habit loop and substitute 15 minutes of Bible reading. The cue remains the same. What about the reward? Will the reward be sufficient to keep the behavior going? You may have to experiment with this a bit. There’s nothing wrong with artificially tweaking the reward until the habit has been established. Once the habit is firmly in place, it will run on its own.

Now that you have a plan, write it down in the form of an intention statement, like this:

“From now on, when I                                                        (cue),

I will  read the Bible for 15 minutes (routine) in order to


Monday, January 26, 2015

1/25/15 Sermon

Typically, each Monday we will be posting the previous Sunday's sermon. Here is the sermon from yesterday.

Sunday, January 25, 2015
Preaching: Thomas Slawson
Title: "Blind Faith"
Sanctity of Life Sunday
John 9

You can also access the sermon HERE.

Monday, January 19, 2015

1/18/15 Sermon

Typically, each Monday we will be posting the previous Sunday's sermon. Here is the sermon from yesterday.

Sunday, January 18, 2015
Preaching: Vergil Brown
Sermon Series: Be The Church
Title: "The Cruciform Life"
1 Corinthians 4

You can also access the sermon HERE.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Links we recommend 1/16/15

Here are some things from around the internet that we found interesting and insightful. 

"The Supreme Court may or may not do their job. We must make sure, no matter what, that we do ours."

Just today the U.S. Supreme Court announced it will be hearing cases on the constitutional right of same-sex marriage. This is an important development, and in this piece Russell Moore offers some helpful perspective for how we as Christians should respond, whatever the outcome of the ruling. 

Lecrae, John Piper, and John Ensor

In this moving video, Christian rapper Lecrae sits down with John Piper and John Ensor, the president of the pro-life group, Passion Life Ministries. The focus is on the topic of abortion, but they touch on several other things too.

The Things of Earth Will Grow Strangely Bright
Piper writes a few brief thoughts, endorsing a new book by Joe Rigney, on how to enjoy the good things God has created... like bacon. The short video is really good too.

Here is a two-part interview with Randy Alcorn on the topics of his recent book, Hand in Hand: The Beauty of God's Sovereignty and Meaningful Human Choice.

Part 1: Randy Alcorn on Calvinists, Arminians, and Everything in Between

Part 2: Embracing the Holy Tension between God's Sovereignty and Human Choice

A Deeper Well of Joy
This is a review and commendation of a new book about joy by Margaret Feinberg.

A New Convert’s Guide To Understanding Christian Code Words
This one is just for fun. Many of us have probably used this kind of jargon, or "Christianese". I know I have.

Monday, January 12, 2015

1/11/15 Sermon

Typically, each Monday we will be posting the previous Sunday's sermon. Here is the sermon from yesterday.

Sunday, January 11, 2015
Preaching: Vergil Brown
Sermon Series: Be The Church
Title: "Unity"
1 Corinthians 1:10–3:23

You can also access the sermon HERE.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Links we recommend 1/9/15

Trading Fear for Fear
Christina Fox offers some clear thoughts about the concept of fearing God.

The Bible is More than Stories of Morality
This post addresses the question, "Is it possible to teach Bible stories without teaching the Bible story?" (One thing I really appreciate about our Children's Ministry leadership is their desire to teach our kids the whole story of Scripture.)

Why the Church Needs Intergenerational Friendships
This is an insightful post on the benefit of relationships in the church that span age groups.

Faithful with Fifteen Minutes
This post gives some good perspective on the significance of regular Bible reading, even if it's just for a short time each day.

5 Reasons We Eat Together as a Family
Tim Challies discusses some of the benefits of families having regular mealtime together.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

GBC Core Values: Part Three

Written by: Josh Mathews

The five Core Values of Gresham Bible church are:
  • Knowing God deeply in his word
  • Praying fervently for God’s purposes in the world
  • Making God known by spreading the gospel locally and globally
  • Fostering unity and building up the body through genuine community
  • Expressing a growing love for Jesus in a life of worship

In the first two posts in this series (you can read them HERE and HERE) we introduced these core values and looked more closely at the first two values, Knowing God deeply in his word, and Praying fervently for God’s purposes in the world. In today’s post we’ll consider Core Value number 3, Making God known by spreading the gospel locally and globally

Core Value #3: Making God known by spreading the gospel locally and globally 

When we talk about knowing God we are talking about relational knowledge. As we grow in our intimate understanding of and relationship with the God of the universe, we can’t help but be struck with awe and praise for what he’s done for us in his Son Jesus. The climax of Scripture and the heart of what it means to know God is the gospel, the profoundly good news that Jesus died for our sins and rose again from the dead, conquering sin and death.

And as we grow in our knowledge of this gospel truth, we can’t help but pass along that good news to others around us and throughout the world. Core Value #3 is intentionally linked to Core Value #1.

The wording—that we value “spreading the gospel”—is also intentionally broad, in order to communicate a value for gospel ministry that includes both proclamation and action. Spreading the good news of Jesus means we tell people, using words, about him. And it also means we love people with Christ’s love, seeking to live in a way that displays mercy, kindness, and justice in a manner worthy of the gospel. We strive to speak and act, in our local community and throughout the world, with explicit reference to the broad story of redemption that spans Scripture and culminates in the death and resurrection of Jesus. 

This core value is based on some of Jesus’ final words to his disciples before he ascended to heaven. In Matthew 28:18–20, the final verses of Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus says this to his disciples:

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

This charge to the disciples extends to the Church around the world, and to us at Gresham Bible Church in particular. We are commissioned with the task of multiplying God’s kingdom and making disciples of Jesus. At GBC there are many ways we try to implement this value. Here are a few of them.
  • Local Outreach—Serving Dexter McCarty and its students, teachers, and administrators; Engaging in various work projects in the community; Supporting the YoungLives ministry.
  • Global Outreach—Supporting missionaries in Slovenia, Basque country, and Mexico.
  • Church Planting—Membership in the Waterhouse church planting network; Regularly supporting Hub City Church plant in Albany, Oregon.

This task of making disciples and spreading the gospel is not only done through these “official” ministries, and it’s not only up to pastors, staff members, elders, deacons, and ministry leaders to fulfill the great commission. We are all called to make disciples, and there are many ways that each of you can get involved in the work of making God known by spreading the gospel locally and globally.

Here are some ideas:
  • Give to support missions and local outreach endeavors, like YoungLives.
  • For some of you, go overseas. This could be either a short-term trip like the Bolts, or it might mean going to another country long-term.
  • Be a part of Local Outreach efforts. Giving of our time to serve those in our community can provide significant opportunities to demonstrate and speak of Christ’s love.
  • Reach out to your own neighbors. Develop relationships with them so you can point them to Jesus.
  • Make God known in the workplace, by working hard at your job as unto the Lord, and by looking for opportunities to tell people about him.

Monday, January 5, 2015

1/4/15 Sermon

Typically, each Monday we will be posting the previous Sunday's sermon. Here is the sermon from yesterday.

Sunday, January 4, 2015
Preaching: Vergil Brown
Sermon Series: Be The Church
Title: "An Introduction to 1 Corinthians"
1 Corinthians 1:1–9

You can also access the sermon HERE.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Links we recommend 1/2/15

New Year's Resolutions: Aim for Godliness and God's Glory
This post looks to the example of Jonathan Edwards and gives a few thoughts on New Year's resolutions.

Resolved: To Read the Bible
Here are some helpful points about regular Bible reading. Notice the links near the bottom of the page.

The Weakling's Secret to Being Filled with Confidence for the New Year
Mark Altrogge offers some simple and profound insight on resolutions.

A Matter of Life and Death: Prayer
Derek Rishmawy reviews Tim Keller's new book on prayer, and offers some encouragement as well.